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Automated Hematology Platform Offers High Throughput Analytical Performance

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 05 Jan 2024
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Image: The new HELO 2.0 modular high throughput automated hematology platform is CE-IVDR approved (Photo courtesy of HORIBA Medical)
Image: The new HELO 2.0 modular high throughput automated hematology platform is CE-IVDR approved (Photo courtesy of HORIBA Medical)

HORIBA Medical (Kyoto, Japan) has introduced HELO 2.0, a high throughput automated hematology platform with CE-IVDR approval, marking an evolution from its predecessor. This upgraded high-end hematology solution has been designed in response to customer feedback, aiming to fulfill the comprehensive needs of high throughput, fully automated hematology. Tailored for mid to large-scale laboratories, HELO 2.0 is a modular and highly flexible system, offering scalability and numerous configurations.

Available in three standard configurations, HELO 2.0 is suitable for both single-lab and multi-site operations, functioning as a standalone or integrated with a tracking system. The system’s track-based architecture allows continuous loading from multiple points, supplemented by a new automatic quality control transfer, enhancing sample workflow management for heightened efficiency. The system smartly distributes samples and quality control tubes to the designated analyzer and conducts blood smears based on reflex rules. Configurable with up to six analyzers and six slide preparation systems on a single track, it offers over 200 preloaded rules in the hematology expert validation station.

HELO 2.0 introduces innovative 8 Part Differential (DIFF) leukocyte results, providing a comprehensive analysis from a single blood sample. HORIBA's Yumizen H1500 and H2500 analyzers deliver complete blood count (CBC) and DIFF results, along with a total immaturity measurement for leukocyte count, ideally suited for oncology pathologies. Additional enhancements include a Nucleated Red Blood Cell count free from platelet aggregate interference and three new large platelet parameters devoid of fluorescence. Eleven additional parameters have been incorporated across its three quality controls. Designed to be environmentally friendly, HELO 2.0 has received the 2023 Medical Device Network Excellence Award in the Environmental category, highlighting its eco-friendly approach. Notably, the Yumizen H2500 analyzer requires only six reagents compared to the typical 8-15, significantly reducing reagent usage, waste, toxicity, and packaging.

“One of the biggest challenges for laboratories is to obtain accurate results for an ever-increasing number of samples within shorter turnaround times,” said Arnaud Pradel, General Manager, HORIBA Medical. “So, listening to our customers’ feedback, we have again applied our hematology expertise and heritage for innovation to further enhance our HELO automated hematology platform. In the HELO 2.0 we offer an even more flexible and efficient system to reduce slide review rate that provides an optimum solution to the ever-evolving needs of many different laboratories.”

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