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Eurotrol provides high specification, custom-made quality control (QC) materials for the periodic verification of the... read more Featured Products: More products

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Eurotrol Highlights CueSee Range of Quality Control Materials for Critical Care, Laboratories and POC Sites

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 28 Sep 2021
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Eurotrol, Inc. (Elizabethtown, KY, USA) highlighted its CueSee range of quality control materials for critical care, laboratories and point-of-care sites at the 2021 AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo which took place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, September 26-30.

Eurotrol provides quality control materials with specialized formulations for critical care, laboratories and point-of-care sites in hospitals, clinics, proficiency testing providers, standardization bodies and instrument manufacturers (OEM). The company’s menu includes daily QC, calibration verification materials and standards.

At AACC 2021, Eurotrol demonstrated CueSee Ringe, an innovative, patented packaging concept that has modernized the in vitro diagnostics market. A special glass ampoule is sealed inside the CueSee Ringe device. This ampoule breaks with a simple turning motion without the risk of cutting fingers on glass particles or coming into contact with the liquid. After this activation step, the CueSee Ringe functions identically to a standard syringe. The liquid inside the ampoule is not deteriorated by environmental contamination, which reduces pre-analytical errors. This concept is ideal for solutions typically stored in ampoules for quality control, calibration verification, proficiency testing, competency assessment, method validations, and lot comparisons.

Eurotrol also demonstrated its CueSee VeriSTAT that offers complete quality control, cal/ver & reportable range validation for i-STAT test systems. Each liquid covers blood gasses, electrolytes & hematocrit over optimized ranges. Packaged in the new CueSee Ringe, the liquids will have extended open stability of more than five minutes and revolutionary safe opening and simple dosing. Also on display was CueSee Coag in CueSee Mix with its innovative packaging that separates the lyophilized material from the liquid until activation by a simple twist, resulting in a reliable POC Coag QC. CueSee Mix is an innovative dual-chambered device which separates fractions of QC material. CueSee Mix has many applications due to ease of use, no need for pipetting & reduction of matrix interactions – all in a single container. It is ideal for creating liquid matrixes that mimic human specimens & is suitable for QC, proficiency & competency testing, cal/ver & method validation. The CueSee Mix design led to the development of CueSee Coag a unique POC QC. The lyophilized material is kept separate from the liquid until activation by an easy twisting motion. After equilibration, the QC material is safely tested by use of the integrated dropper. CueSee Coag will be available in clinically significant ranges to ensure accurate patient results.

In addition, Eurotrol presented CueSee CO-OX in ACU-Drop II at the event. CueSee CO-OX is a QC for CO-oximeters with real hemoglobin derivatives. Its ACU-Drop II packaging provides long shelf life & ability to provide relevant ranges of all Hgb forms. The two chambered device separates the Hgb fractions until mixed by simply pushing a button. Sampling is easy with the integrated dropper or by attaching a syringe.

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