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Nova Biomedical Demonstrates Whole Blood Critical and POC Testing Solutions at AACC 2021

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 29 Sep 2021
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Image: Stat Profile Prime Plus  (Photo courtesy of Nova Biomedical)
Image: Stat Profile Prime Plus (Photo courtesy of Nova Biomedical)

Nova Biomedical (Waltham, MA, USA) demonstrated its whole blood critical and POC testing solutions at the 2021 AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo held at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, September 26-30.

The event provided an unparalleled opportunity to connect with global leaders in laboratory medicine, and to discover cutting edge technology & vital research in the field.

Nova is a world leader in whole blood critical and POC testing, offering hospital meters (including StatStrip Glucose, the only FDA-cleared meter for critically ill testing) and Stat Profile Prime critical care blood gas analyzers. At AACC 2021, Nova demonstrated its Stat Profile Prime Plus - a comprehensive, whole blood critical care analyzer that offers blood gases, electrolytes, metabolites, hematology, and co-oximetry, in a simple, compact device. Prime Plus combines maintenance-free, replaceable cartridge technology for sensors and reagents with patented, maintenance-free, and non-lysing whole blood co-oximetry technology. The analyzer uses a small 135µL sample, produces a complete 22-test panel in about one minute, and offers automated quality control with real-time, supplement quality monitoring of each sample analysis, calibration, and QC analysis. Prime Plus is the only critical care analyzer that includes BUN, creatinine, ionized magnesium, estimated plasma volume, and MCHC in its test menu. The complete test menu includes pH, PCO2, PO2, Na, K, Cl, iCa, iMg, Glucose, Lactate, BUN/Urea, Creatinine, Hct, Hb, estimated Plasma Volume, MCHC, SO2%, and CO-Oximetry.

At AACC 2021, Nova also displayed the StatStrip Glucose Hospital Meter, which is the only glucose meter cleared by the FDA for use with critically ill patients and CLIA-waived for use with ALL patients and ALL sample types. StatStrip Glucose has no known interferences and brings lab-like accuracy to bedside glucose testing - accuracy validated in an FDA submission study of 1,698 critically ill patients with 257 different and specific medical conditions, and over 8,000 medications, as well as over 200 published studies worldwide. StatStrip Glucose measures glucose and corrects for hematocrit, maltose, and other interferences that can cause erroneous results on other meters.

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