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77 Elektronika Highlights Latest Urinanalysis Solutions at Medlab Middle East 2023

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 07 Feb 2023
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Image: The LabStrip U mALB/CREA urine test strips are in vitro medical diagnostic devices for professional use (Photo courtesy of 77 Elektronika)
Image: The LabStrip U mALB/CREA urine test strips are in vitro medical diagnostic devices for professional use (Photo courtesy of 77 Elektronika)

77 Elektronika (Budapest, Hungary) is participating at Medlab Middle East 2023 where the company is showcasing its full product range, including its latest urine test strip - the LabStrip U12 mALB/CREA - alongside the new DocUReader 2 Pro urine analyzer.

At Medlab Middle East 2023, 77 Elektronika is demonstrating the LabStrip U mALB/CREA urine test strips designed for the semi-quantitative determination of albumin and creatinine in fresh human urine and the screening of samples for microalbuminuria. LabStrip U mALB/CREA is intended to be used as a screening test for the detection of pathologies associated with kidney diseases. Each test strip contains two test zones, which incorporate sensitive chemicals. If these zones come into contact with urine, a chemical reaction takes place, which results in the discoloration of the test zone.

The urine test strips can be evaluated and read on the new DocUReader 2 Pro urine analyzer that is also on display at the show. The instrument is intended for in vitro diagnostic use by qualified physicians and laboratory staff, but does not require special training to be used. The compact design of this lightweight instrument offers the broadest features and highest flexibility available on any desktop size urine analyzer. The system offers excellent accuracy, simple operation, high flexibility and connectivity as well as enhanced security and quality control functions.

In addition, 77 Elektronika is showcasing the LabUMat 2 and Urised 3 Pro that combines chemistry and sediment analysis in one system. The LabUMat 2 is a high throughput, automated urine chemistry analyzer that can evaluate 10 chemical parameters of LabStrip U11 Plus GL test strips and three physical parameters of urine samples. The UriSed 3 is an automated urine sediment analyzer providing whole field of view microscopic images of urine sediment and detecting 16 sediment particles using Urised Cuvettes. The efficiencies of the LabUMat 2 and the UriSed 3 are maximized when these instruments are used as one system.

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