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PerkinElmer Demonstrates Vanadis NIPT Screening Platform Featuring Groundbreaking cfDNA Technology

By LabMedica International staff writers
Posted on 27 Jul 2022
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Image: The Vanadis NIPT screening platform demonstrated at AACC 2022 (Photo courtesy of PerkinElmer)
Image: The Vanadis NIPT screening platform demonstrated at AACC 2022 (Photo courtesy of PerkinElmer)

PerkinElmer, Inc. (Waltham, MA; USA) will be showcasing complete workflows for laboratories, including automation, instrumentation, and reagents, at the 2022 AACC Clinical Lab Expo.

The PerkinElmer exhibit booth will feature demonstrations of its high-throughput Vanadis NIPT solution that takes all the complexity out of noninvasive prenatal testing, making it accessible to more women – and more cost-effective for laboratories. This breakthrough cell-free DNA (cfDNA) technology eliminates PCR amplification and gene sequencing, making it so easy to use that one laboratory technician can handle 2000 to 20 000 samples per year. Walkaway automation streamlines the process from primary tube to final results. Because the Vanadis system is an easy to use, non-NGS and non-PCR based method, any laboratory can use it.

With Vanadis NIPT, laboratories can screen for the risk of trisomies 21, 18, 13, as well as fetal sex determination. By targeting thousands of chromosomal sequences, the Vanadis system can bring high precision non-invasive prenatal testing to labs, counting an average of 650,000 molecules per chromosome. With Vanadis technology, all the critical steps are automated, starting with pipetting steps to reduce manual errors. Plasma volumes are monitored by camera to avoid contamination by the buffy coat, and samples and reagents are barcoded for complete tracking throughout the workflow. PerkinElmer’s software guides labs through the process, with user-friendly touchscreens, enabling remote workflow management for ease of use. Easy to integrate, the software is designed for LIMS connectivity, reducing manual errors while simplifying data management.

Vanadis is the only NIPT screening platform to enable targeted cfDNA analysis without PCR, instead directly capturing target fragments and labeling them for counting. A proprietary nanofilter plate then captures labeled molecules for imaging, eliminating the need for data-intensive steps such as DNA sequencing, microarrays, and microfluidics.

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